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Application. Dairy


Citrus Fibre

Herbarom (Apple Extract)

Organic Seaweed

Naturally Smoked Ingredients

Naturally Fermented Dairy Concentrates



Microencapsulated Ingredients

fat replacemnt in spreads, textural enhancement

natural colouring, clean label caramel replacement

salt replacement, umami, nutritional enhancement, clean label

clean label, particulate inclusions such as chilli, onion, wood provenance

cheese, butter, cream true flavours, heat stable, cost saving, flavour improvement, clean label

a range of phospholipids including, phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphotidylethanolamine (PE) phosphotidylserine (PS) and phosphotidyllionsitol (PI)

juice stabilisation, mouthfeel, clean label, milk protein protection in acidified milk drinks

calcium, iron, plant-sterol esters, caffeine, zinc, offering ZERO flavour, improved bioavailability, no interaction with surrounding ingredients

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