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Seabuckthorn! THE Superfruit!!

Sea Buckthorn has been used for centuries in traditional remedies, now the global market is now realising the potential and we are once again at the forefront.

Working closely with our exclusive partner Puredia, we are able to offer an Organic (Tibetan grown) sustainable Sea Buckthorn to the world.

Benefits include: bone health, cognitive function, glucose maintainance, joint health, nervous system support, cardiovascular health, energy, liver support, overall well being, gastro-intestinal support, immune system support, sports nutrition.

Sea Buckthorn is PACKED full of over 190 Bioactive substances including: - Many strong antioxidants - 18 amino acids - 14 vitamins (A, B group, C, D, E, K, P) - Provitamins - 11 micro elements (zinc, calcium, iron, etc.) - Phenols - 42 types of lipids - 22 fatty acids, including: - Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 7, Omega 9 - 6 types of flavonoids

Our Sea Buckthorn is available in raw juice form, refined juice form, dry powder and tea bags.

Moving Forward

“Naturally healthy” with some intrinsic health benefit Known as one of the most nutritious and vitamin-rich foods in the world and offering benefits both internally and externally. SeaBerry is described as an “ancient” shrub with 190+ bioactive nutrients, including plant based omega 3,6,7,9, high in fiber, a good source of minerals, high in protein, and glutenfree.

Get positive media attention for their “naturally healthy” value These naturally healthy properties make it appealing for journalists and bloggers compiling lists of super fruits

Have a perception in consumers’ minds of being more “natural” than alternatives Organic Tibetan SeaBerry is wildly harvested by local fair-trade farmers, it is 100% natural, organic & pesticide free. It was born in one of the world's last pollution-free regions in the world, UNESCO considers this land to be the third pole of the world.

Connect to the other big trends or enable you to create a product that makes the connection SeaBerry is becoming increasingly popular for its impressive range of healing properties, highly-nutritious and medicinal profile! Has been praised by the likes of Dr. Oz. Sea buckthorn is quickly becoming as popular as açai berry and pomegranate.

Very importantly: There’s a secure supply chain that can make these ingredients widely and reliably available: Puredia’s annual yield is 10,000 Metric Tonnes of SeaBerry Raw Puree to make sure a stable supply chain throughout the year.

Contact us today for further information, samples or for us to visit you to discuss further.

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