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Yorkshire Pudding Pies

I saw a post the other day of a beef pie in hot crust pastry, almost a beef pork pie if you like and it looked amazing! So i decided to make some of mine, but to add an extra twist i used yorkshire puddings instead of pastry.

I wanted to used pulled brisket, slow cooked after being marinated in shio koji to boost its already fabulous flavour.

To add another depth of flavour and some creaminess to the pie i added some blue cheese using Jeneil blue cheese concentrate paste. The key benefit to using the paste is that i only had to use 2% to achieve a full impacting flavour. Therefore allowing me more space in my recipe for the brisket and gravy!

Yorkshire pudding

1 cup full plain flour

1 cup full milk

1 cup full eggs

1) Using a blender or a whisk incorporate all ingredients together to form a batter

2)Heat oil in a yorkshire pudding tray before filling each compartment halfway with batter

3) Bake in a oven at 200c for 15 minutes

4) Save some mixture for topping the pies

Braised Brisket

1) Marinade the brisket in 2% Shio koji for 4 hours minimum

2) Place in a roasting tray with beef stock quarter covering the meat. Cover with foil and braise in a oven at 140c for 3 - 4 hours

4) Once fully cook, remove the meat from the tray and shred in pieces using two forks

5) De glaze the pan and mix through some of the gravy with the beef to bind together

6) Add 2% Jeneil blue cheese paste and mix in thoroughly

To finish

1) Fill the yorkshire puddings 3/4 of the way with the beef and cheese mix. Make sure that it is pressed down firmly without cracking the yorkshire!

2) Top the pie some more of the yorkshire pudding mix

3) Quickly transfer back into the oven to cook the top

These pies are truly fantastic and can be enjoyed hot or cold. The blue cheese comes through well and has a wonderful balanced flavour with the brisket

The brisket in shio koji has a deep umami flavour to it which lifts the beefs natural flavour without the need for added salt, while also tenderising the beef thanks to the enzymes present in Shio koji.

If you want to learn more about our range of Jeneil products and Shio koji get in touch with member of our team!

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